

What is Python? A Complete Guide For Beginners


The Python programming language was created by Guido van Rossum in the early 1990s, and it has become one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world. Python is open source, which means that anyone can download and use it without cost, making it an appealing choice to many people and businesses alike. The simplicity of the Python language makes it easy to learn, but there are some things you need to know about Python if you want to make use of this powerful tool effectively.

What is Python? A Complete Guide For Beginners

Detailed Note on the Python Programming Language

  • Introduction to Python

Python is a programming language with many features, such as an intuitive syntax and powerful data structures. It's no wonder that this, as well as experienced developers, are benefitting. Sites like Stack Overflow offer countless tutorials to learn from, not to mention a large community of experts who help others in their time of need. 

However, these are just some of the benefits to developing in Python - there are many more waiting for you!

About This Blog:

Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used in many industries today. This blog will teach you the basics of Python programming so that you can get started quickly and easily. You will learn about the features of Python, how to write code, and how to run your code. By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently use Python to create programs and solve problems.

Here we go...

First Step

  • How to install python:

Before you can start using Python, you'll need to install it on your computer. Fortunately, this process is pretty straightforward. Just follow these steps and you'll be up and running in no time. A detailed description of what python does: 

1) Open a command prompt window and type: python 

2) Press enter 

3) Type help() (without quotes) at the prompt and press enter 

4) Read about Python's help() function and other features that may interest you.

5) Repeat steps 1-4 until python has been installed.

  • How to Use Python IDLE:
What is IDLE?

IDLE is the default integrated development environment for Python. It is written in Python and comes with a graphical user interface called Shell. 

  • IDLE can be used to write and execute code in Python. It has a number of features that make it a good choice for beginners, such as syntax highlighting and autocompletion. In addition, IDLE's debugging capabilities are helpful for when you need to find bugs in your program.

  • How To choose python IDE to Learn coding:

There are many different ways to learn how to code in Python. But before you can start coding, you need to choose an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This is a software application that provides you with all the tools you need to write, edit and debug your code. 

  • Choosing the right IDE can be tricky, especially if you're just starting out. But don't worry, we're here to help. In this blog post, we'll give you a rundown of some of the most popular IDEs for Python and what makes each one unique. 

So without further ado, let's get started! 

  • The first IDE we'll talk about is Spyder. Spyder offers users a lightweight environment that has everything they need to work with the Python language - from syntax highlighting to debugging and more. It also supports almost every language construct - including Django templates, SQL, Cython, PyQt4/5, wxPython and NumPy. The only downside is that it doesn't support many project types other than standard scripts or programs. If you like having a variety of options at your fingertips when it comes to project types then I recommend trying PyCharm instead; it offers everything from Django templates to Numpy projects. When you compare PyCharm to Spyder, there's really no contest. However, Spyder does offer much better performance - so if speed is important to you, go with Spyder. Next up on our list is Sublime Text 3 which is quickly becoming one of the most popular IDEs among developers today. Unlike some others on this list though, Sublime Text 3 isn't open source; it's available as a paid app. It also offers many helpful features such as build systems and linting tools - not to mention packages for pretty much any language under the sun! One downside though: because Sublime Text 3 isn't open source, there are fewer people contributing new features which means its progress tends to be slower than others on this list.

  • How to install Anaconda for Python Coding:
What is Anaconda?

  • Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing (data science, machine learning applications, large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, etc.), that aims to simplify package management and deployment. 

Anaconda can be downloaded and installed from Continuum Analytics.

Anaconda is available for 64-bit versions of Windows, macOS, and Linux. Users can install multiple versions of Anaconda and switch between them using the conda command.

  • How to use Online Jupyter for Python Progamming:
What is Jupyter?

  • Jupyter is an online web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. Jupyter is a great tool for learning and teaching Python programming.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to use Jupyter to write and run Python code. We'll start by installing Anaconda and Jupyter in your computer. 

Jupyter is a web-based environment where programmers can edit and execute code interactively, without having to install anything on their computer. If you're familiar with Google Docs or Microsoft Word, then it's easy to understand what's going on: You type in some code into a window (or notebook), hit the play button in the top right corner of the window, and boom! Your data visualization pops up in front of your eyes. The interface also features all sorts of nice buttons that let you highlight lines of code or execute individual commands quickly. It also has handy options for running snippets of code from other languages like MATLAB, R, Julia and many more. It's not just about doing things faster — Jupyter lets you do things more effectively because everything is organized and searchable. When I'm trying to find out why my neural network isn't working correctly, I don't have to sift through my messy desktop folder looking for the source file; I just go to my browser and search myneuralnetwork.

The only downside is that there are certain aspects of using Jupyter remotely that aren't quite as convenient as using a local IDE like PyCharm or Spyder. For example, debugging output doesn't automatically scroll down when you stop execution at a breakpoint in your code.

  • How to use python IDLE (Detail):

IDLE is the integrated development environment (IDE) for Python. It's a graphical program that lets you work with and edit your Python code. You can use IDLE to write and run your Python code. Here's how: 

1. Open IDLE by clicking the Windows Start menu and selecting Programs > Python 3.4 > IDLE (Python GUI).

2. Once IDLE is open, you'll see the main window with the >>> prompt in the center. This is where you can type in and execute your Python code. 

3. To write a new script, click File > New File in the top menu bar. This will open a new window where you can write your code. Type in the following line of code into this new window: print(Hello world!) . Then press F5 or select Run > Run Module from the top menu bar. IDLE should then show Hello world! printed out below the >>> prompt. The Print function sends whatever text you enter after it to the screen as well as printing it out below the >>> prompt. In our example above, we had print(Hello world!) - so we would have seen Hello world! printed both on screen and also under the >>>. If we had just typed print( then only what was typed under the >>> would have been printed.

  • Diffrence between Variables and Operators in Python:

In Python, 

  • Variables are created when you assign a value to them. For example, x = 5 creates a variable named x with a value of 5. You can then use that variable in other calculations by referencing it by name.
  • Operators are symbols that tell Python to perform specific operations on variables. For example, the + operator tells Python to add two numbers together. Here's an expression: y = 6+3 The result would be 9. It's important to note that operators operate only on one variable at a time, so we can't do something like this: x=6+y+3 If we tried this expression, Python would treat all three numbers as if they were one number and return 18 instead of 9.

  • Operators type in python:

In Python, there are three types of operators: arithmetic, assignment, and comparison.

  • Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.
  • Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return a Boolean result (True or False). 
All of these can be used in expressions, which are groups of expressions surrounded by parentheses and separated by semicolons. The type of an expression determines what kind of value it will evaluate to; if the expression evaluates to a number, it will be that number; if it evaluates to an object with a numerical value (e.g., string), then it will give that value as its answer; if it evaluates to anything else, then it will evaluate as False. An example of an expression using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division would be 5+5-2*2 . It would evaluate to 13 because 5+5=10 and 10-2*2=8 . An example of an expression using only one operator would be 6==7 . It would evaluate to True because 6 is equal to 7 

As for variable names, you must follow certain rules for variable names. You cannot use keywords such as def , class , and try as variable names (but you can use them within your code after they’ve been assigned to other values). Variable names must begin with a letter from A-Z or a-z , followed by any number of letters from those ranges again, optionally followed by numbers from 0-9 . For example, myFirstVariableName is valid while doThisNoThat is not. Variable names cannot be longer than 255 characters either.

applescript language - Third Paragraph: Applescript is interpreted at runtime instead of compiled beforehand like C++ and Java.

  • Python Data Types:

In Python,

  • Data types are used to define the operations that can be performed on a data structure. There are
  • Four main data types in Python
  1. integers, 
  2. floats, 
  3. strings, &
  4. Booleans.
Each data type has a specific set of functions and methods that can be applied to it. For example, you can use the + operator to add two integers together, but you cannot use it to add two strings together.

  • How to Create Lists & lists operations in Python:

In Python,

  • lists are created by placing all items (elements) inside a square bracket [ ], separated by commas. Lists are mutable, meaning they can be changed. You can access the list items by referring to the index number: list_name[index]. Index starts from 0. To change a particular item, refer to its index number and reassign a new value to it: list_name[index] = new_value. As you can see, lists in Python are very easy to create.


Lists operations in Python include insertions, deletions, substitutions and comparisons of elements. The most commonly used function for insertion is append(). It takes an existing list as an argument and appends the element to the end of that list: 

append(list_name,element). For deletion of elements from a list, use del(): del(list_name). For substitution of elements in a list with other values refer to other functions such as replace(), sorted(), reverse() etc., but most importantly use zip(). 

zip() take two sequences or iterables such as lists and combine them into one sequence by returning tuples containing corresponding pairs of items from each sequence. They have many applications including converting a tuple to list and vice versa. Here's how zip() works: 

zip(. Now let's say we have a list containing numbers 1-10 which is called numbers and another list containing letters 'a'-'j'. Let's call this second list letters. Then we want the result of combining these two lists. One way would be to loop through both lists manually, but there is another way using zip(). Zip takes 2 sequences as arguments and returns one sequence of 2-tuples where each tuple contains 1 item from first input followed by 1 item from second input. When combined in a list, this will produce 2*2*3*4*5*6=120 different combinations. These zipped lists can be sliced up like any other list.

The zip() function also has some helpful methods: unzip(), izip(), izip_longest(). These return a pair of sequence objects for the given iterator argument. unzip produces tuples where the first element is taken from the left iterator and the second element comes from the right iterator, while izip produces tuples like zip does with reversed ordering; finally, izip_longest differs only in that it will always return at least one more tuple than its counterparts when dealing with iterators that do not contain an even number of entries.

  • How to Create Dictionaries & dictionaries operations in Python:

In Python,

  • a dictionary is an unordered collection of items. Each item in a dictionary consists of a key and a value. The key is used to access the value.
You can create a dictionary by using curly braces {} and placing key:value pairs inside the braces, separated by commas. Keys can be any data type, but they must be unique within a dictionary. Values can be any data type. You can access the values in a dictionary by using square brackets [] and the key. To change the value associated with a key, you can use square brackets and the key to reassign a new value. To add an item to a dictionary, you can use square brackets and the new key:value pair. For example, if myDictionary has the following keys and values: name: John, age: 25. If I want to add another entry for John's age as 30, I would write this as myDictionary = 30. For example, if myDictionary has the following keys and values: name: John, age: 25. If I want to add another entry for John's age as 30, I would write this as myDictionary = 30.

  • How to Create Tuples & Tuples operations in Python:

Tuples are one of the most basic data structures in Python.They are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once created. Tuples are typically used to store related pieces of information. For example, you could create a tuple to store an employee's name and salary.


Tuples are created by placing items within parentheses (). You can have as many items as you want within a tuple, just as long as they're all separated by commas. Once a tuple is created, you can access its items by using indexing. To reference the first item in a tuple, use (0). To reference the second item in a tuple, use (1). 

# Python has two different operators for updating tuples: 

+ Update-by-adding: to update the first item in a tuple with another value by adding that value with no operator; 

+ Update-by-subtracting: to update the first item in a tuple with another value by subtracting that value with no operator. As mentioned before, tuples are immutable which means any updates made will not change the original tuple. Tuples also support comparison operations such as equality, less than or greater than comparisons. The following code illustrates how this would work # Create a new tupel called person with three values - first name, last name, and age. 

# Define a variable called mark and assign it the value 'Marks'. 

# Add mark to person by appending it to the end of person tuple (using the + operator) - this will give us a new tuple that contains four values. # Print out the contents of person - we'll see that our old data still exists but now includes mark too. 

# Subtract 10 from the first item in person so it equals Mark instead of Markus. The result will show up like this: (Mark, Markus, 30). If you make an error while making changes to a tuple, there are a few ways to fix it. You can either delete the entire tupel (using del()) or reset the tupel back to its original state by assigning None () as an empty list (). The following code snippet illustrates both these methods. 

# First method: delete entire person tuple using del() - this will permanently remove our tupel and associated data from memory; 

# Second method: set person back to the default empty list () where there are no values assigned to each position of the tuple. 

# Trying changing one of the names in a dictionary again - it should successfully change this time because we've resettedperson back to None(). Continuing with this example, suppose you wanted to merge two dictionaries together. You could do so by using the   operator and specifying a comma-separated list of key/value pairs. The following code shows how to merge dictionaries together through the + operator:

# Assign a string value ('alice') for the first name slot in merged_dict. 

# Assign a string value ('bob') for the last name slot in merged_dict. # Assign the integer 10 to the age slot in merged_dict. 

# Merge these two dictionaries together using the + operator and specify a comma-separated list of key/value pairs. Notice that when merging, if one of the slots already has a value then it will overwrite whatever was stored there originally. 

#Print out merged_dict so we can see what happens when two dictionaries are combined at once: {firstname:alice, lastname:bob, age:10}. It's important to note that dictionaries cannot be updated, meaning any changes you make to a dictionary after initial creation will not affect the initial dictionary itself. One more thing about tuples - since they are mutable, you can create them dynamically and add values whenever necessary. However, it's important to note that Python won't track modifications made dynamically inside a loop unless there is an explicit loop counter variable being used. The following code illustrates how this might look:

# Start off by creating an empty tuple called personal with no keys in it yet. 

# Fill in some positions of personal but don't add anything beyond position 2 yet because we only need 3 values total right now...but we'll come back later and fill up all the positions. # At the bottom of the loop, print out personal to see the changes. We can also use negative numbers to subtract items from a tuple rather than adding items. For instance, let's say we want to take 1 away from position 3 in the personal tuple. We would enter -1 into the third position: (-2,-1,-3). The negative sign (-) tells Python to start counting backward and subtract 1 at each step until it reaches 0.

  • When to use control Flow & Loops in Python:

Control Flow and Loops are two important concepts in programming that give you the ability to create smarter code. The first concept is control flow. 

  • Control flow is the process of deciding which part of a program should be executed next. It can be used to make decisions based on input or results from previous calculations, such as if/else statements or switch cases.

  •  A loop, also known as iteration, is an instruction for a computer to repeat a sequence of commands over and over again until some condition is met. If the condition isn't met then the loop will continue indefinitely. 
For example: 

while loops iterate until the end value becomes false; do-while loops iterate until their end value becomes true; for loops iterate through their commands one by one before going back to their start command; and break loops break out of execution early if its condition has been met before it reaches its stop command. There are many different types of loops in Python, but the two most commonly used ones are the for loop and the while loop. These loops have similar syntaxes with the only difference being that a for loop executes once per item in a list whereas a while loop continues executing as long as its condition is met. Here's an example of both type of loops.


for number in range(1, 10): print(This is my favorite number: {}.format(number)) 

print(I've printed {} numbers so far..format(len(numbers)))

print(This is my favorite number: {}.format(number)) . In this case, we are assigning the variable number the value 1. We then use range (which outputs integers between 1 and 10) to generate values for number. Each time we go through our for loop we assign our variable number a new integer according to range. So each time number is incremented by 1. Once it reaches 10, it starts at 1 again and increments until we hit 11. 

The while loop essentially does the same thing except instead of incrementing our variable after each round, it compares its current value to the original value provided in the condition to see if they match up. Let's look at an example:

i = 0 #initialize counter variable

while i != 5: #check if condition is met each round using != operator 

print(Hello) #print Hello when not 5 

i += 1 #increment counter variable each round 

#The following statement would set i=5 because '!=' would return True when evaluating to False as opposed to 0 i == 5 #same as i<=5

print(Goodbye)#the last line of the loop

  • What is IF statement & Control Flow in python:

Python is a programming language with many features, including an IF statement and control flow. 

  • An IF statement allows you to run a certain section of code only if a certain condition is met. Control flow lets you execute code in a specific order.Here, we'll take a closer look at these two concepts and how they work in Python. IF statements are executed by the interpreter when it encounters them during its processing of the source code file. The interpreter reads through the program's instructions one line at a time, evaluating expressions and carrying out commands as it goes. When it finds an IF statement, it evaluates its conditions. If all conditions are true, then the interpreter will carry out the statements following the if keyword; otherwise it will ignore those statements and move on to process any subsequent lines that follow after that point in the program's source code file.
  • There are three types of conditions in an IF statement: 
  1.  A simple conditional expression (usually just a comparison) 
  2.  A single-statement block 
  3. Multiple statements separated by commas Conditional expressions may be either logical or non-logical;
For example, x == 1 is logical but x > 2 is not. In general, complex conditional expressions should be avoided because they can cause problems when debugging your program later on. However, there are cases where a complex conditional expression is necessary. For instance, consider this bit of code which performs different actions depending on whether the input from the user is yes or no: 

Specifically, the first print statement displays Yes? while the second prints No?. Furthermore, since an IF statement cannot span multiple lines in a program's source code file, any command beyond those inside the parentheses won't be processed until a new line has been encountered and read. So if you wanted to have the interpreter do something else before displaying Yes?, you would need to place that instruction outside of the IF statement and use a separate line. Finally, more than one set of statements can appear within an IF statement so long as each group is separated by a comma. For example, you might want to display some text followed by a question followed by some other text.

The simplest type of IF statement is the conditional expression: a single logical or non-logical expression given in parentheses that must evaluate to either True or False. Logical values evaluate to True when their corresponding condition is satisfied, and False otherwise. Non-logical values like integers always evaluate to True.

  • How to Handle ERRORS in python:

Handling errors in Python is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your code will be able to handle any errors that may occur.


1. Always use try/except blocks when possible.

2. Use the built-in error handling functions whenever possible.

3. Be sure to catch all the different types of errors that could occur.

4. Don't forget to include a finally block if needed.

5. When creating your own custom exceptions, be sure to make them specific and informative.

6. Always log your errors so you can track them and fix them later if necessary. 

7. Make sure you test your code thoroughly to avoid any potential errors in the first place!

  • How & when to create functions in python:

Functions are a way to group related code together. They can make your code more readable and easier to reuse. Functions are declared with the def keyword and take one or more arguments. When you call a function, you pass in the values for the arguments. Python will run the code in the function and return a value (if the function has a return statement). You can create functions that take different types of arguments, including default values for some or all of the arguments. Default values are used when you don't provide an argument when calling the function.

For example, we might want our average() function to take two numbers as input and assume they represent a series of grades on tests given by students on two different days. To do this, we could write it like this def average(a, b): return sum(a) / len(b) # sum is from the math module import math

After writing the above code, I can now call my function like this: 

print(The average grade was ,average(1.5, 2)) # Output: The average grade was 1.75 

Functions can also return values by using a return statement at any point in your code. For example def calc_taxes(prices): total = 0 for price in prices: total += price * tax return total After executing the last line, Python returns the following output: {'total': 10} You'll notice how easy it is to use Python's documentation system while programming. You just need to type a question mark followed by what you're looking for. Here's what shows up when I type what are the functions of data structures? :

Python has built-in data structures for manipulating lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries and strings. All these data structures have useful methods built-in which makes them easier to use than having to build them yourself from scratch.

  • When to use lambda expression in python:

In general, you should use a lambda expression when you need a function for a short period of time. 

For example, 

if you want to sort a list of strings by the length of the string, you could use the following lambda expression: sorted(lst, key=lambda s: len(s)). Another reason to use a lambda expression is when you want to pass a function as an argument to another function. For example, the map() function takes a function and an iterable as arguments and returns a new iterable with the results of calling the function on each element of the original iterable. Mappings are functions that create a series of values from other values. 

Python lists have only one data type which can hold multiple types, including numbers, strings, booleans or any object instance (e.g., in the form of a tuple). 

A set is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicate elements. 

Sets are useful when you have to check whether two things have all their elements in common. Sets can be seen as alternative for checking sets of records in databases where duplicates may occur.

  • How To Create & Use Python Modules:

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements.

The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended. 

  • Within a module, names can be defined which can then be used by other modules.
  • Modules provide a way to structure programs.They allow you to divide your program into manageable pieces. It is not necessary for all of your code to live in one place; rather, you can break it up into individual modules that have related functionality or are called from a main program or script.
For example, 

if you were writing a python program that manipulated numbers, it might make sense to put all of the mathematical functions into their own module so they could be reused in any application without duplicating code. So, we use modules when we want to logically group parts of our program together. Each module has its own separate namespace so there won't be any clashes between identifiers within different modules (as long as no identifier is imported from another module). To create a new module, type touch mymodule.py at the command line (in Unix/Linux) or in Windows' Command Prompt window, assuming that you have write permissions for this folder. Enter some Python code after the mymodule. prompt, and save the file when finished. Now we're ready to import it in another python program using import mymodule.


Let's explore how this works more fully by creating an empty file called myModule1 and importing myModule2 into it. Type myModule1 followed by pressing the enter key to start editing the blank document. Type def hello(): print(Hello) followed by pressing enter. We now have a function called hello(). Pressing enter again will let us edit additional lines of code below what we just typed. Create an empty line and type from myModule2 import sayHi followed by pressing enter. Now press enter again and enter def goodbye(): print(Goodbye) followed by pressing enter. Our two functions are now complete, so let's try them out! Pressing enter again will let us run the code we've written. Use the command line to open a terminal window (on Linux) or Command Prompt window (on Windows), and cd to the directory where myModule1.py lives. In Linux, use cd  && c:\Python36\python3 ./myModule1.py If successful, you should see Hello World! appear on your screen in both cases followed by Goodbye World!

  • How to Use Python to open File:

To open a file in Python,we first need to have a file object.

  • A file object is created using the open() function. 
  • The open() function takes two arguments: the name of the file and the mode in which the file should be opened.
  •  The possible modes are r for reading an existing file, w for writing data to an existing file or creating a new one if it doesn't exist, and a for appending data to an existing file. 

If the second argument is omitted from the open() function then it defaults to r. 

For example,

if we wanted to write something new into a text document called file.txt then our code would look like this with open(file.txt, w) as myfile: myfile.write(Text.) When you save the program with these lines, what's written inside the parentheses will happen when you run it! And that's how you use Python to work with files!

  • Coding in Python by examples:

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with a focus on readability. It's popular for introductory computer science courses because it starts from easy concepts and builds on them slowly; you can even use it for web development or scripting tasks like web scraping. 

It can also act as glue between different applications because of its large standard library. That being said, there are some downsides to using Python: mostly its slow speed when compared to compiled languages like C++ or Java. That being when trying to do computationally intensive tasks like image processing, physics simulations, etcetera - one would want to turn their algorithm into something executable rather than coded in pure Python. There are libraries that make this process easier, like PyPy. However, the code will take longer to run than in other languages.

Another downside is that Python does not have very good support for parallelization (comparing two inputs at the same time). 

Python has many advantages though! One such advantage is that it has an interactive shell (similar to an interpreter) which lets you enter lines of code and see the results immediately. Another nice feature about Python is how expressive it is - if your project needs to be interactive, then python might be a good choice!

ALL Done Here! Hope This Will Help You Alot

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